Certificate of Conformity certifies that management system JSC "QO'QON BIOKIMYO" complies with the requirements of O'z DSt ISO 9001:2015 and O'z DSt ISO 22000:2019 download

Enviromental Certificate for the right to produce rectified nutritive ethyl spirit download

License for the right to import, store, use precursors for production purposes (in Uzbek language) download

License for the right to produce rectified nutritive ethyl spirit (in Uzbek language) download

License for transportation of passengers in and around the city, intercity minibuses and buses download







Working days: Monday to Fridays From 08:00 – 17:00 Break time: 12:00 - 13:00 Closed on: Saturday and Sundays

Currently in the Department of International Financial Reporting Standards of the Company, there are 3 vacancies for accountants with international certification.

For more information please contact HR department of JSC "Kokand biochemical"